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Sunday, 21 February 2010

+ you are loved!

;there are times that each and every one of us feels unloved, even like we have no one that's there for us. i say to you today that you are loved!

Things change, plans fail.
You look for love on a grander scale.
Storms rise, hopes fade
and you place your bets on another day.
When the going gets tough, when the ride's too rough,
when you're just not sure enough.

Jesus will still be there.
His love will never change,
Sure as a steady rain,
Jesus will still be there.
When no one else is true,
He'll still be lovin' you.

 remember that you are indeed loved!

+ prepstar out

Friday, 19 February 2010


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  iCan make your bed rockkk(8) 

'the root, power and effect of discouragement'

photograph by prepstar

preface: hi everyone, iWrite today in keeping with the great themes which have an influence on my life and on which iHope to reflect during the course of my blog. 

to be quite honest, some may think that i only started [the prepstar empire] in order to get attention or to gain some form of notoriety, however, this could be no further from the truth. 

the truth: we all face common obstacles in our lives and we all have is my wish to consolidate and document these mutual features and reflect on them through my life experiences with the help on commentary here on [the prepstar empire]

well i've been contemplating what iShould write about in my first real 'in-depth' blog post for a few days now and ive decided that iLL write about the root, power and effect of discouragement. 

discouragement?: when i refer to discouragement in this context, i make reference to not only the traditional, but also the novel and unconventional methods through which such 'discouragement' may come about. so that i may be more clear --- perhaps i should take a look at exactly what it is that one may be discouraged from.

goals, aspirations, success: its fair to say that the majority of us right-thinking individuals have goals, if not aspirations and some general idea of where we want to ultimately find ourselves in life. although there are those persons who lack ambition, for various reasons, i feel that this is merely the absence of the desire to bring about the requisite actions that are required to bring such aspirations (which everyone has for themselves) to fruition. indeed, therefore, it is my point that we each endeavor and envison success for ourselves. i point out that success is entirely subjective. one may relate success to simply stop biting her nails, or by the accomplishment of completing an entire book, walking a mile everyday, drinking five litres of water a week, improving ones character ------ and the list easily goes on.

doubt, negativity, fear, apathy, etc = discouragement:  my friends, i would have you see that although one may have a vision for himself, not everyone is bound to share such a vision for others, which may be the case for various reasons ---- some of which perhaps i may expound upon later.

i believe that the inherent desire to aspire towards and achieve greatness, that is present in each of us is a God given blessing. those that may act in opposition to this desire or act to hinder the desire of others have simply, somehow had their blessing masked.

doubt, negativity, fear, apathy etc. are all methods by which one may become discouraged and indeed deterred from his goals and aspirations. there are individuals that uncomfortable with your success and seek to hinder your individual progress, this may be an arch rival, perhaps even a parent or a close friend. just imaging the power and influence that someone that is close to you has! 
it is the work of the enemy that we be discouraged and no longer wish to carry on towards our success.

be encouraged: despite this, we must not be moved; we must remain steadfast, with our eyes' on the prize so that we might accomplish that which is worth accomplishing. as a burgeoning Christian, i am guided by the words of the bible - as inspired by God himself. 

Psalm 112:6-8

 6 Surely he will never be shaken;
       a righteous man will be remembered forever.
 7 He will have no fear of bad news;
       his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
 8 His heart is secure, he will have no fear;
       in the end he will look in triumph on his foes.

;anything that is worth having is worth fighting for, and he who remains steadfast will come out on top, and achieve his ultimate success.

be blessed! - remain steadfast and encouraged

+ prepstar out

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

nye flashbacks!

iBrought in the new year with a group of friends....just enjoying life and celebrating each are a few pics!

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election misconduct

it is being reported in the mainstream and gutter press that the Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Brent Symonette was assaulted by a staunch PLP supporter, alleged to be the infamous Laura, outside the Thelma Gibson Primary School where the election recount is taking place. 

although we are unable to confirm the identity of the individual, it leads one to Wonder whether we have sunken to this position in bahamian politics....

iSay GROW UP Bahamas....

Laura (left) is pictured below with Mrs. Ann-Marie Davis (right), wife of PLP Deputy Leader Philip 'Brave'Davis.

a tunnel of testing can produce a shining tesimony

photograph by prepstar

today's devotional speaks to the inevitable trials that we will experience as Christians. in the midst of your trials, trust in God! remember that your success through the trials can motivate another person to keep on, keeping on....

here's today's audio

here's the text:

I’ll never forget my first experience using an automatic car wash. Approaching it with the dread of going to the dentist, I pushed the money into the slot, nervously checked and rechecked my windows, eased the car up to the line, and waited. Powers beyond my control began moving my car forward as if on a conveyor belt. There I was, cocooned inside, when a thunderous rush of water, soap, and brushes hit my car from all directions. What if I get stuck in here or water crashes in? I thought irrationally. Suddenly the waters ceased. After a blow-dry, my car was propelled into the outside world again, clean and polished.
In the midst of all this, I remembered stormy times in my life when it seemed I was on a conveyor belt, a victim of forces beyond my control. “Car-wash experiences,” I now call them. I remembered that whenever I passed through deep waters my Redeemer had been with me, sheltering me against the rising tide (Isa. 43:2). When I came out on the other side, which I always did, I was able to say with joy and confidence, “He is a faithful God!”
Are you in the middle of a car-wash experience? Trust God to bring you through to the other side. You’ll then be a shining testimony of His keeping power.  — Joanie Yoder

How wonderful to know that He
Who watches from above
Will always keep us sheltered in
His ever-present love! —King
A tunnel of testing can produce a shining testimony.

+ prepstar out

bahamian talent - You & Me

these are the types of jams that i just Love listening to! it's the story of a love that many people thought was just not meant to be, Garnell Storr's just you and me!

Many of you may remember Miss Garnell Storr as being Miss Earth Bahamas, well it seems that she has taken on a new persona with this relaxed tempo melody.

iUnderstand that the track itself is produced by Sketch, a renowned Bahamian artist and producer... this song is definitely raw Bahamian talent at its best....check it out below:

+ prepstar out 

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

know the truth & discern it!

iM a Christian and my faith is very important to me, for this reason iWill add a devotional to the blog everyday! those that I post actually represent the devotional that iM currently studying..

today's message:
if you know the truth you can discern what is false...

check out the audio here: today's devotional

and the text here:

San Francisco and New York City are using bluegill fish to check for the presence of toxins in their water supply, which could be a possible target for a terrorist attack. A small number of bluegills are kept in a tank at the bottom of some water treatment plants because the fish are sensitive to chemical imbalances in their environment. When a disturbance is present in the water, the bluegills react against it.

Like these bluegills, Paul wanted the Galatians to beware of and react against any toxic disturbance in the “true gospel” that was being preached. The toxin was defined as the false principle that God grants acceptance to people and considers them righteous on the basis of their obedience to a set of rules (especially circumcision and dietary laws). In short, obedience to the law was needed, apart from faith in Jesus. This false teaching was a toxic disturbance of the truth and the Galatians were told to react strongly against it. Paul said that anyone preaching a gospel that is not based on grace through faith in Christ alone should be accursed (Gal. 1:8-9).

Let’s faithfully study the Scriptures so we can detect the toxins of false teaching and proclaim the truth of God’s wonderful salvation through faith in Jesus. — Marvin Williams

Lord, teach us from Your holy Word
All error to discern,
And by Your Spirit’s light help us
From Satan’s snares to turn. —Bosch

If you know the truth, you can discern what’s false

+ prepstar out

photo flashback - pre Valentines event

you may remember me tweeting about the little guy hopping on someone's back during the pre-Valentines show....well here's the pic!

+ prepstar out

bye-election or NOT..?

it seems that this by-election in Elizabeth is about to get a bit more interesting!

Unofficial results read that Dr. Duane Sands has won the by-election by ONE (1) vote!

I'll have a bit more political commentary in the morning once more information is brought to me!

+ prepstar out


Most of my Bahamian readers would know that today marks Poll Day in the Elizabeth constituency bye-election! 

iM afraid that it's too late for me to analyze any of the issues and meaningfully contribute to the commentary, many of the residents in the Eastern part of the island are echoing, iSay bye-election! 

iShall await the outcome, iM confident that much meaningful commentary will be required for the after effects of Poll Day...

Dr. Duane Sands - FNM Candidate

Mr. Ryan Pinder - PLP Candidate

Dr. S. Andre Rollins - NDP Candidate (and also my Orthodontist) 

Mr. Rodney Moncur - Worker's Party Candidate


palancin' - Carnival '10

today marks Carnival Tuesday in Trinidad & Tobago!  for many, this is a time for celebration and major feting and partying...

enjoy the video -- Palance is sure to win Road March 2010!

a distasteful night out

Going out on a Monday night is not that commonplace with me, but as we're on Reading Week,  we decided to make an exception. 

expectations: we went expecting to come across a few friends/acquaintances and those few others that we don't get on so well with, get a bit of dancing in (as today is Carnival Tuesday in Trinidad & Tobago), and just have an overall good time turning negativity into positivity...

outcome: we arrived at the party to find a long line. which doesn't go down well when it's raining and 40degrees F (first strike), the club was crowded with the entire London Brixton crowd -- who iGuess were down for Reading Week too! As a result, we made a few amends, readjusted our vantage point and pressed on! 

disaster: in the end the very three people that are at the centre of an intense situation were there...and the whole night there-on-in was pretty awkward! 

conclusion: we ended up leaving early! 

perhaps we'll get into the details in another post...

+prepstar out


hi guys, iDecided that I would start a blog as an extension of my twitter page so that I might document and share the activities, feelings, encounters and simply the experiences in general that collectively make up my life! 

i've decided to write for me, as a creative expression of myself and so that iMight connect with others on a different level. 

so have fun reading my blog, and iHope that you find it interesting and in many cases an inspiration to your own lives! 

until my next post....

+ prepstar out

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